Everybody Poops (Except When They Don't)

Everybody Poops (Except When They Don't)

It’s astonishing the number of people who think pooping every other day or a couple of times a week is normal.  Did you know you should be pooping every day?  I ask almost everyone who walks into my office about their elimination habits.  “Hello, how are you?  How are you pooping?”  It makes for excellent small talk...

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Shiny and new

Shiny and new

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on my pregnancy and life since my baby was born.  Outside of the obvious miracle of giving birth to my beautiful daughter, labor and delivery were pretty straightforward. I read books about pregnancy and childbirth, but I never really considered what happens after that. Pregnancy was difficult for me both physically and mentally, so I thought if I could get through that and natural childbirth surely I could handle the aftermath. I was wrong.

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When you look but don't SEE

When you look but don't SEE

I have a confession to make.  I have been distracted.  Not distracted in my work, but distracted in my life.  The only moments I have felt focused are in my treatment room, with my eyes closed, working with a patient.  I have seen best with my eyes closed. I don't know how many times lately I have found myself looking at people but not seeing them.  What a huge space there is between looking at a person and seeing a person. 

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